Thank you for using KARTE.
This page summarizes the points for customers to raise technical questions in support cases. Please read the following items before making inquiries.
Please see the items not covered by chat support
You can check details inChat support policyPlease refer to.
Please contact us without changing the environment in which the event occurred
If the conditions under which an event occurs change, it becomes difficult to identify the cause, which may affect the investigation.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please do not change the contents of the relevant parts or delete the resources that are being used.
Please check the status page
When a failure occursStatus page に最新情報が記載されます。不具合の疑いがある場合は一度ご確認ください。
Issues to be solved and current situation
There is a possibility that we will be able to propose a method for solution from various angles by sharing what you really want to achieve and the problem you want to solve.
It also leads to smooth problem solving, such as shortening the survey time and shortening the amount of interaction with customers.
- Assumed measures (contents to be realized)
- Contents carried out at hand
- Result of implementation
✗ ポップアップ接客が配信されません。
○ I want to pop up only those who have read the target page to the end, skip the event when the page is scrolled to the bottom of the page, and use that event to deliver popup customer service.
I checked the management screen of popup customer service and the console of the target page, but no error occurred and the cause is unknown.
✗ xxxxxxというエラーが出ます。
○ LINE配信で接客を配信したところ、xxxxxというエラーが発生しました。
Event environment
- Occurrence range (specific person only or all employees)
- Date and time of occurrence (when did it start around 2020/00/00)
- OS, browser
✗ The embedded template is not displayed only for me.
○ PC向けに接客配信する埋め込みテンプレートが一部のブラウザで表示されません。
Chrome(バージョン83.0.4103.61) → 表示される
Safari(バージョン13.1) → 表示されない
The target page is
How to reproduce the event
Knowing the point of occurrence and the condition of an event makes it easier to identify and identify a problem, leading to a faster problem resolution.
- Procedures that took place before the occurrence
- Occurrence page URL
✗ 埋め込み動画がたまに動画が表示されないことがあります。
○ TOPページからタブ遷移で特設ページへ移動すると埋め込み動画表示されません。
Event occurrence location
- Occurrence page URL
✗ The Scenario doesn't work because of an error.
○ I want to deliver an embedded template to a customer using the Scenario below, but I am getting a delivery error xxx.
Images and videos that show events
Sometimes I think there are things that are hard to explain in text. Please share videos and images to avoid miscommunication and communicate events more accurately.
- Error message on chrome console screen
- What happens when you take a specific step
- User story URL where you can see events and customer reception that are likely to be related to the event
- CSV file to be imported when import fails
Settings changed before and after the event
It may be a clue to solve the problem.
x 以前は動いていたのに今日アクセスしたら動かなくなっていました。
○ When I accessed the page today, the embedded template was no longer displayed.
I introduced the browser update and a plugin called A last night, which may be the effect.
Documents I've already tried and referenced
Troubleshooting is available on the support site.
We will guide you through troubleshooting first if it seems to be applicable, but if you have already tried it and you have questions on it, the communication will be long and it will take time to resolve.
x I have tried various things, but the customer service is not delivered.
○ I tried the procedure on the following support site up to the third step, but at this stage the error xxxx occurs.
Situations determined to be bugs/defects
- Target compared with normal time and bug occurrence
- Originally expected behavior
- Items to be confirmed until it is determined to be a bug/defect
✗ Daily transition figures are strange. Is it a bug?
○Today's daily change of customer service A Looking at the number of goals via events related to customer service, the average number of goals was about 2000, and yesterday's aggregate result was 0.
Service URL: