
Acquisition of browsing information

Acquisition of attribute information
For user attribute information, it is necessary to explicitly send it to KARTE from the site side.
By setting tags at the transition destination (for example, member registration completion page, My page, etc.) of a page where there is a possibility of user information being updated and explicitly designating the information to be transmitted, it is possible to transmit attribute information of the user To do.

Acquisition of purchasing information
For purchasing information as well as user information, it is necessary to explicitly send it to KARTE from the site side.
By placing a tag on the purchase completion page and explicitly specifying the information to be transmitted, you can send purchase information such as purchase item name and purchase price.

Tag type

KARTEは Tracking tag を設置することで利用が開始できます。
In addition, we are preparing multiple kinds of tags to link with various data.
Each tag has the following role.

計測タグ以外のタグはすべて 計測タグの読み込み後に読み込まれるように設置いただくことでデータが計測されます

For tag installation methodsFlow to tag installationPlease refer to.

name Conditions to extract data role Tag location
Tracking tag Required Measurement of site browsing information and data transmission to KARTE All pages to measure
buy event tag
Recommendation Conversion measurement on site Thanks page of purchase completion
Conversion completed page
User tag ​ ​​ ​ Any Linking member information (only for sites with login function) Login completed page
Purchase complete page
カスタムイベントタグ(※) Any Measurement of arbitrary events on the site Page where arbitrary event occurs
You can scroll

※ カスタムイベントタグから送信されたイベントは、利用開始前に「解析する」設定が必要となる場合があります。詳しくはイベントのライフサイクル「対応未設定のイベント」Please confirm.

Restrictions on events and fields

You can check details inEvent name, field name, field value that cannot be used in the eventPlease refer to.

Updating information acquired with tags

When information is acquired with the tag, the existing information is updated.

Renewal rules are as follows.

  • Send the same parameter information as the information of the parameters that you have been sending so far
    → Updated to new information
  • I will not send the same parameter information as the information on the parameters I have been sending so far
    → The information so far remains
  • Send information on parameters that have not been sent so far
    → New information is added

For example, as user attribute information,

user_id : xxx
name: KARTE 一郎
phone: 03-1111-1111

There is a user who has a new user attribute information

user_id : xxx
phone: 03-2222-2222email: sample@sample.com

Is sent, the attribute information of the updated user is

user_id : xxx
name: KARTE 一郎
phone: 03-2222-2222email: sample@sample.com


※ ユーザーが統合された場合も時系列に従って、情報が更新されます。
※ 片方のユーザーの情報のみが反映されるというようなことはありません。